Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Jayden Shaul
Mr persinger
English 9, period 4
February 8, 2017
Short Story

Boom! Boom! Boom!
  I tried to listen to what’s happening, but my ears are ringing.  Craters fill the floor.  Rubble.  Only Rubble.  Only rubble remains of my family’s vacation home.
Sirens are wailing.  The remains of his home shift collapsing on itself.   Fire.  Fire everywhere.  Fire is all the eye can see.  Flames shooting into the sky.  Flicking, curling, and waving aimlessly.
    “We’re so sorry to inform you Mr. San, but your parents bodies were never found,” a paramedic says sorrowfully.” Your family is dead, your sister, and both of your parents.You now are the CEO of S.O.I.”
“Okay,” Jordan muttered, holding back tears.
I then ordered a plane ticket to America, where I live.
    “J?” said my cousin Julia, she’s the only one that calls me J.
“Why’d you sell S.O.I.?”
“I couldn’t handle the stress, so I sold it, I got 2 billion dollars out of it though.”
“Did they ever find out who bombed your parents?”
“Not yet, but I will.”
“J,  what did you do? I don’t see you for a month and you’ve changed that much? You look amazing. You must’ve lost at least 30 pounds.”
“Yep, actually I lost 25 pounds, so now I weigh 121 pounds  I’ve been training for four hours a day every day.  I think i know who killed my parents.”
“ I think it was S.O.I.P. They have a motive,” I pondered this thought for a moment, and I knew this was who did it. “I think I’m going to go get justice for my family.”
Breach in the main hallway!” yelled a security guard working the halls at Gary Mope’s house, who is the leader of S.O.I.P., San Oil Industries Protest. Bullets riddled the air causing the walls to look thinner, and frayed.
I need to find a door that is painted black, the only one in the house that is painted that color.  I  run through the hallways, trying to find Gary’s room repeating these details to myself.
I run up to the door about to open it when suddenly, I hear talking. I hide quickly ready to strike, but after a while I realize it was from the inside of the room.
“With S.O.I. gone, I shouldn’t have to worry about Jordan.” It sounded muffled through the door, but it was definitely Gary.
I’ll walk up to the door, creak it open and throw tear gas in.  I thought, as I walk up to the door and did exactly what I thought. When Gary runs out I will corner him and make him suffer like me.  Gary wasn’t coming out, he was passed out on his bed. I put my gas mask on and prepared to go  into the room.
One, Two, Three. Go.
Before I pick up Gary to drag him out, I see the phone. On the phone is a man named Louis Quinn. He is the assistant owner of the company.I quickly hang up the phone.
“Don’t hurt me!”Gary begs as I drag him out of his room and set him down in the hallway.
“Why’d you do it?”
“You know why boy.”
“Was it for money?”
“Would you kill the two richest people on the planet for money? Of course not, I would never do that. I killed them for the pride.”
“That’s it your dead now.” I threatened.
“Oh really?”Gary said as he rolled over and pinned me down on the rug.”It’s your turn now.”
The front door flies open. Windows collapse, making way for swat members.

“Put those hands up where I can see em’!”
Gary’s body crumples to the floor. Blood spreading everywhere.
“Your welcome Mr. San.”
These were no ordinary cops I thought.
“We are the people your cousin Julia hired, she figured you would try to do something like this. Remember just because you're rich, doesn’t mean you're invincible.”
“Thanks.” My family was finally avenged.